1. Asking about the date
What is the date today?
What date is it today?
What’s today’s date?
What day is it?
What month is it?
What year is it
What’s the date next Saturday?
What was the date last Wednesday?
What day is the 15th?
Is the 19th a Friday or a Saturday?
What’s the day before Tuesday called?
2. Asking about the time
What time is it?
What’s the time?
What time do you make it?
Have you got the right time?
Do you have a watch?
3. Asking about the Weather
What’s the weather like?
Is it cold or hot?
What is the forecast for next week?
What temperature is it?
Is it below freezing?
How many degrees below is it?
Do you think it will snow?
What season is it?
Is it raining/thundering/snowing?
4. Asking about an identity
Who are you?
What’s your name? How do you spell it?
Where do you live?
What’s your address?
Where are you from?
Where do you come from?
Whereabouts in Jakarta do you live in?
Whereabouts is that?
Which school do you go to?
Whose class are you in?
Who is your class teacher?
Who is your Math teacher?
5. Asking about interests and hobbies
What are you interested in?
Have you got any hobbies?
What do you do in your spare time?
Do you do a lot of reading?
Do you watch a lot of TV?
Do you go swimming
a lot?
What do you do at weekends?
What do you usually do on Sundays?
6. Asking about an opinion
What did you think of
How did you like it?
How did you find it?
Did you think it was worth going?
What was your impression of it?
What was your opinion of the answer?
Which part did you feel difficult most?
J G R. Complete uide to ‘O’ Level
Chemistry. Longman. 2006
Dragsten, Michael. English Classroom Expression, Yale
Foreign Language Academy, Seogwipo, S. at
Bryan and Felicity Gardner. Classroom
English. Oxford University Press. 2000
Glyn S. A Handbook of Classroom English.
Oxford University Press. 1989. retrieved 18 August 2009
Hugh. Help yourself to Algebra.
Longman. 2003
Robert E. Johanson, Commonly-Used English Expressions in the University
Classroom. 2007.
Information for the Program:
The E-book (PDF) is available (Only
Rp. 20.000)
Sms : 08159781395
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